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About End It For Good

End It For Good is a 501(c)(3) that started as a passion project of Christina Dent, a conservative Christian foster mom who supported a criminal justice approach to drugs and addiction until she saw the negative effects up close.


We've used the criminal justice system as the primary tool to address drugs and addiction for 100 years.

Yet we have a vibrant underground market causing violence in our streets, contaminated substances causing overdose deaths to soar, and millions of incarcerated consumers causing families to be destabilized. We’re losing on every front.

End It For Good started as a passion project of Christina Dent, a conservative Christian foster mom who supported a criminal justice approach to drugs and addiction until she saw the negative effects up close. She began learning about the root cause of drug-related harm and became convinced that the criminal justice system is the wrong tool for addressing drugs and addiction.

In 2017, she began hosting book discussions in her home state of Mississippi using Johann Hari’s book Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs. Those discussions grew to hundreds of people, which led to End It For Good becoming a 501c3 nonprofit in 2019. 

We invite people to explore how addressing drugs and drug use as complex health issues could help more people thrive by reducing crime, overdose deaths, and the destabilization of families. We engage people on this learning journey by hosting events, giving presentations, writing articles, releasing research reports, and creating digital content.

End It For Good strives to help children, families, and communities by shifting away from a criminal justice approach to drugs and addiction and towards health-centered approaches that prioritize life and the opportunity to thrive.

Christina Dent

Founder and President

What We Do

  • Our Mission
    We invite people to support approaches to drugs that prioritize life, preserve families, and promote public safety.
  • Our Vision
    A world where drug production, distribution, and consumption are approached as health matters instead of criminal justice issues.
  • Our Focus
    We educate citizens, advocates, and policymakers to elevate health-centered approaches to drugs.

What We've Accomplished

We have been honored by the attendance of over 2000 people at our End It For Good events.
We have presented our vision for a health-centered approach to drugs to over 13,000 people in person.
We have been a part of 350 speaking engagements and interviews, reaching millions of people.
We have produced 23 opinion articles placed in local and national publications, including USA Today.
In the last 5 years, our message of hope and solutions has reached an estimated 500 million people.