“We pray people change their thinking on this issue. It’s a matter of prioritizing life and allowing others to thrive.” — Lana Butler
Hi friends,
In early December I got the note above. Lana and her husband came to one of End It For Good’s events 2 years ago and she’s stayed in touch as they’ve continued to walk with her son, Brandon, through seasons of addiction and sobriety.
Less than a week later I got another message. Brandon had passed away.
It’s impossible to imagine the depth of this loss for Lana and her family. This is the very thing we work to prevent at End It For Good. It’s why we exist.
Brandon’s family chose gifts to End It For Good in lieu of flowers to honor Brandon’s life, and asked us to share this with the End It For Good community.
That’s a sacred trust.
Over the last 2 weeks, people who didn’t even know Brandon or his family have given as a way of expressing support.